Alwar (Rajasthan): Miscreants opened fire at notorious gangster Vikram Gurjar alias Laden, who was brought to Behror Hospital in Rajasthan’s Alwar by the police for treatment. The entire incident was captured on a CCTV camera. However, amid all the chaos police successfully managed to save Vikram Gurjar, and rushed him to Behror police station. Later, a miscreant involved in the attack was caught while two others managed to flee.
Behror Hospital in-charge Satbir Yadav said that the police had brought the crook Vikram Gurjar alias Laden to Dr Devendra for tests. When Laden was being taken back after the undergoing tests, suddenly miscreants reportedly from the Papla gang and the Jasram Gurjar gang opened fire. In the firing, two female patients suffered injuries to their legs. They are currently undergoing treatment and are out of danger.