New Delhi: The minor wrestler, who had earlier accused outgoing WFI chief and BJP MP Brij Bhushan Sharan Singh of sexual harassment, did not contest the Delhi Police's closure report in court on Tuesday. The alleged victim and her father testified in an in-chamber procedure before Additional Sessions Judge Chhavi Kapoor that they were happy with the police investigation and had no objections to the Delhi Police's report in the case.
A hearing was held in Patiala House Court on Tuesday in the case of POCSO case against Singh. During this, the minor female wrestler and her father said in the court that they have no problem with the cancellation report filed by the Delhi Police after investigating the matter. The father of the wrestler said he is satisfied with the cancellation report of the police and it should be accepted.
Also read: No purpose will be served by taking Brij Bhushan in custody at this stage: Delhi court order
After hearing the statements of the female wrestler and her father, the court has fixed the next date of hearing of the case on September 6. Advocate Atul Srivastava appeared on behalf of Delhi Police. On July 4, the court took cognisance of the cancellation report filed by the Delhi Police on June 15. After this, the complainant sought answers from the minor female wrestler and her father.
Significantly, a minor female wrestler had initially accused BJP MP Brij Bhushan Singh of sexual exploitation. In this case, the Delhi Police had registered a case under the POCSO Act. Later, the police filed a cancellation report in the Patiala House Court and said that no evidence was found in the case registered against Brij Bhushan under the POCSO Act. Along with this, the Delhi Police had requested the court to cancel the case registered against Brij Bhushan under the POCSO Act.