Deoghar (Jharkhand):Two out of five accused were nabbed after a minor girl was allegedly gang-raped in front of her mother in Jharkhand's Deogarh on Sunday. The mother-daughter duo who went out for a walk were kidnapped on two bikes and forcibly taken to a forest. The mother of the victim was thrashed after she tried to protect the minor. The duo has been taken to the hospital where the minor's situation is said to be critical. An SIT has been formed to investigate the matter.
Deoghar SP Subhash Chandra Jat said that the miscreants fled with Rs 5,000 cash and the victim's mobile phone. The victims are residents of the Teenbazar police station area of Dumka and were visiting their relatives in Deogarh. The duo managed to reach Madhupur police station and lodged a complaint. The medical test of the victim has been carried out while the police are on the hunt for the accused.