Thane: Police have rescued a minor girl and a woman who were allegedly pushed into flesh trade in Maharashtra's Thane district, an official said on Thursday. The Mira Bhayander-Vasai Virar police's anti-human trafficking cell (AHTC) on Tuesday sent a decoy customer to a restaurant where a woman had brought the two victims to force them into prostitution, senior police inspector Aviraj Kurhade said.
Minor girl, woman rescued from flesh trade in Thane
The Mira Bhayander-Vasai Virar police's anti-human trafficking cell (AHTC) had sent a decoy customer to a restaurant where a woman had brought the two victims to force them into prostitution.
Minor girl, woman rescued from flesh trade in Thane
The woman was arrested and a case was registered against her under relevant provisions, he said. The two victims were rescued and sent to a rehabilitation home, he added. (PTI)