Meerut: A 15-year-old Dalit girl in Uttar Pradesh ended her life by consuming poison after she was raped. Police have arrested two people, identified as Lakhan and Vikwas Balwant, on the basis of a suicide note found at the victim's house.
The family of the girl in a complaint said she was going to attend her tuition classes on Thursday evening when she was abducted by four goons in Meerut. Reports said the girl was also poisoned by her attackers.
Superintendent of Police Dehat Keshav said a case of gang rape was reported from Meerut and two people have been arrested.
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Keshav said, "We have registered a case against four people under section 376 (gang-rape) of the Indian Penal Code) and other sections of Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe (Prevention of Atrocities) (SC/ST Act) and investigating the matter from all angles. Prime accused Lakhan and victim used to attend the same tuition classes."