New Delhi: The killing of people belonging to minority communities in Jammu and Kashmir was at its peak in 2021 with 11 deaths in different terrorist attacks, the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) stated in the Rajya Sabha on Wednesday. As per the data, a total of 11 people from the minority communities were killed in J-K in 2017 followed by three killings in 2018, six in 2019, three in 2020 and 11 in 2021. Union Minister of State for Home Nityanand Rai shared the data in the Upper House while responding to a question in a written reply, mentioning the killing of 34 persons belonging to minority communities, who lost their lives in the terrorist-related incidents in J-K between 2017 and 2021.
On "what measures have been taken by the government to ensure the safety of minorities in the valley", the Minister said, "The government has taken several measures to ensure the safety of minorities in the valley". "These include a robust security and intelligence grid, group security in the form of static guards, day and night area domination, round the clock checking at Nakas while patrolling is being carried out in the areas where the minorities reside besides proactive operations against terrorists," added Rai.