New Delhi: Days after Home Minister Amit Shah reviewed the security scenario in Jammu & Kashmir, Union Home Secretary Ajay Kumar Bhalla on Monday took stocks of the steps taken for implementation of the recommendations given in the Friday meeting.
Officials in the Home Ministry privy to the meeting that took place at North Block in the evening told ETV Bharat that all the intelligence agencies have also been instructed to keep a close vigil on the suspected OGWs (over ground workers) in J&K. "There are intelligence reports that over ground workers are working in close connivance with the Pakistan based non state actors," a senior intelligence official said.
He said that a section of pro-Pakistan sympathisers are also abetting the ongoing targeted killings in J&K. "Their only intention is to destabilise the law and order situation in J&K and create a fear psychosis," the official said. Interestingly, Monday's meeting that was attended by top officials of the central armed police forces and intelligence agencies also discussed the issue of the fresh deployment of security forces in the region.