Pune: The Pune police on Friday arrested a class 12 student for killing his mother and misleading the investigation by claiming she died of suicide. The incident was reported frim the Uruli Kanchan area in Pune. As informed by the probing officials at the Loni Kalbhor police station, the boy committed the murder in a fit of rage after his mother scolded him for using mobile phone while studying.
The deceased has been identified as Taslim Jameer Sheikh (37). a resident of the Mauli Kripa building in Uruli Kanchan,Police sub-inspector Amol Laxmanrao Ghodke. He further informed that the incident happened on February 15 at around 3.30 pm, when Taslim and her son were at home, while her husband and daughter had gone out.
The woman got into a verbal argument with the accused after she caught him using his mobile phone instead of studying. The argument escalated and the boy pushed his mother against the wall in a fit of rage. Injured on the head, the woman collapsed and fell unconscious. He then strangulated her. Officials informed that the boy then got scared and tried to turn the accident into a suicide scene.
"He first slit the wrist of his mother, and then tied a rope to the ceiling fan. By the time his father arrived home, the boy was done with the cover-up. He then told his father that his mother committed suicide and he found her dead," Inspector Ghodke informed. She was immediately rushed to the hospital, but was declared dead on arrival.