Mumbai:In a shocking incident, a mentally challenged girl was allegedly raped by three minors in the Ghatkopar area of Mumbai when she went to attend nature’s call, disclosed the Mumbai police on Saturday. The accused forcibly took the girl inside the toilet and raped her. They also made a video and uploaded it on social media. The girl’s brother saw the video that went viral and informed relatives. Later, the family members of the victim lodged a complaint with the police. Based on the complaint, a case was registered by the police at the Ghatkopar police station. Immediately, the police swung into action and arrested the accused minors and sent them to a juvenile home. Furthermore, a probe has been ordered by the Mumbai police into the incident.
Mentally challenged girl raped by 3 minors in Mumbai, record and upload video on social media
Based on the complaint, a case was registered by the police at the Ghatkopar police station. Immediately, the police swung into action and arrested the accused minors. Later, they sent them to a juvenile home.
Also read:Mumbai: Woman gang-raped, attacked with sharp weapon, given cigarette burns on private parts
It may be noted that Mumbai has attained the dubious distinction as it was reported to be the second most unsafe city for women after Delhi in the country in the year 2021 as per the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) report. According to the National Crime Records Bureau report, 64.5 per cent more cases of crime against women have befromorded from 2021 to 2022; that it s more than 2020. It was revealed in the report that 20.8 percent of crimes against women took place with an intention of a sexual attack, including outraging their modesty. Meanwhile, seven percent of total crimes against women have been recorded as rape by the National Crime Records Bureau report of 2021.