New Delhi:Hitting out at Rashtriya Janata Dal supremo Lalu Prasad Yadav for using 'objectionable language' against Bhakt Charan Das, Bihar Congress unit-in-charge, Meira Kumar said that it has hurt the self-respect of the Dalit community. Pointing it out as an offence, she also alleged that Yadav's remark comes under the SC/ST Act.
"A respected leader has used objectionable language against Bihar Congress in-charge Bhakta Charan Das, hurting self-respect of Dalit community of Bihar and the country and qualifies as an offence under SC/ST Act," said Kumar while speaking to media.
Yadav had said that his party candidates would lose their deposit in the elections if they remain in alliance with the Congress in the state. Slamming the Congress party, he said, "Would we have left everything to Congress for a loss? For losing deposits?"
ANI quoted Lalu saying, "Bhakt Charan is a stupid person," when posed with the question about the allegation by Das that the RJD was helping the BJP by turning its back on the Congress. Yadav's remark escalated into a row.
"Some people of Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) in Congress are weakening Lalu Prasad, Sonia Gandhi, Rahul Gandhi and Tejashwi Yadav's fight to save democracy. Remark of Bihar Congress in-charge Bhakta Charan Das shows that he is a 'bhakta' of BJP and NDA. Congress should expel such leaders," said Mrityunjay Tiwari, spokesperson of RJD, as quoted by ANI.