New Delhi:A court here on Saturday provided the last opportunity to Aaftab Amin Poonawala's advocate to respond to the Delhi Police's arguments on charges against him. Poonawala is accused of strangling his live-in partner Shraddha Walkar and chopping her body into pieces. Additional Sessions Judge Manisha Khurana Kakkar noted that Poonawala had engaged a new private advocate in place of the legal aid counsel and that the new advocate sought time to respond to the prosecution's arguments on charges.
"...Counsel... seeks adjournment to address arguments on charges. Last opportunity given on the ground that he is engaged recently. It is made clear that no further opportunity will be provided," the judge said. The matter has been posted on March 31 for further proceedings. Meanwhile, the court also allowed the application of the victim's father and complainant Vikas Walkar to attend the court proceedings through video conferencing.