Agartala:Meghalaya Chief Minister Conrad K Sangma, an ally of the BJP, on Monday said that he will attend the mega rally of the opposition Tipra Motha in Tripura on October 14. Tipra Motha founder Pradyot Debbarma said that the 'Tiprasa' people are waiting to welcome him in an indigenous way.
"Looking forward to join my friend Pradyot Bikram Manikya DebBarma in Khumulwng, Tripura on the 14th of October, 2023 for the Mega Mass Gathering. Join us this Saturday," Sangma posted on Facebook, sharing a poster of the rally. Debbarma said that along with Sangma his cabinet colleagues will also attend the mega rally.
"For the first time, a sitting Chief Minister along with his cabinet ministers will attend a regional party's mass gathering and show solidarity with the Tiprasa people for our rights. This is a first step for all of us to start believing in ourselves. We have to go beyond politics for the survival and existence of our next generation," he said in a Facebook post.
Tipra Motha, the main opposition party in Tripura, has been demanding a separate 'Greater Tipraland' for the indigenous people of the state. It will be organising the rally at Khumulwng to "send our message to Delhi" for a constitutional solution to the demand. Sangma heads the Meghalaya Democratic Alliance (MDA) government, in which the BJP is a partner. On the other side, Tipra Motha is the main opposition party in the BJP-ruled Tripura.