Trichy: Couple running 'Pushpamma Hotel' near Racecourse road sells idli for Rs 1 and lunch for Rs 5 to college students and differently abled people. The couple, Chandrashekhar and Pushpa Rani, has been running their small restaurant 'Pushpamma Hotel’ for almost a year. The food stall offers varieties of South Indian delicacies. College students throng at the stall as it is near the government college on Racecourse road.
Even the daily work labourers can get idli here at Rs 3 and Pongal at Rs 5. The small eatery also offers six varieties of rice namely lemon rice, vegetable biryani, tamarind rice, tomato rice and mushroom rice at Rs 5, making the place a huge hit among locals.
Chandrashekhar, a welder by profession, and his wife has braved all odds to set up this food stall for the benefit of common people. Shekhar says he manages to run the stall with his earnings from welding shop.
The couple said that their low-cost food was intended to help people get over the economic impact caused by the pandemic. The restaurant, which was shut down for three months due to COVID, has attracted more crowd after being re-opened due to low-cost food.
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