Meerut (Uttar Pradesh): A bomb threat has been received to blow up the Meerut Railway Station before the proposed visit of Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on November 11. According to railway officials, the station master has received a letter by post stating the Meerut Railway Station will be blown up, immediately he informed the police, in turn, they conducted a thorough checking on late Tuesday night, but could not trace anything suspicious. However, they issued an alert in all the districts of West Uttar Pradesh.
Meerut Railway Station receives bomb threat ahead of UP CM's visit
Ahead of Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath's visit to Meerut on November 11, the station master has received a letter by post stating that the Meerut Railway Station will be blown up.
Bomb threat
In this backdrop, the railway officials launched an intensive checking and tightened the security in the trains. According to railway officials, security has been beefed up at all stations in Ghaziabad, Hapur, Bulandshahr, Shamli, Saharanpur, Muzaffarnagar, Moradabad and other districts, including Meerut.