New Delhi: India on Thursday said that it is not the opportune time for the resumption of issuance of tourist visas to Chinese nationals. This comes days after India announced the suspension of tourist visas issued to Chinese nationals. Addressing the weekly media briefing here, MEA spokesperson Arindam Bagchi, "We are aware of the COVID situation in Chinese cities like Shanghai...Not the opportune time for resumption of issuance of tourist visas for China".
In a circular issued on April 20 regarding India, the International Air Transport Association (IATA) said, “Tourist visas issued to nationals of China (People’s Republic) are no longer valid." It said the following passengers are allowed to enter India: nationals of Bhutan, India, Maldives and Nepal; passengers with a residence permit issued by India; passengers with a visa or an e-visa issued by India; passengers with an overseas citizen of India (OCI) card or booklet; passengers with a person of Indian origin (PIO) card; and passengers with a diplomatic passport.