Mumbai: Pushing the Shiv Sena (UBT) further into a corner, the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) ran a bulldozer on its 'Shakha' (branch) office in Bandra east, contending it was 'illegal', here on Thursday. The 'shakha' of the party led by former Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray was located at Nirmal Nagar, a prime location and a hub of Shiv Sainiks loyal to the Sena (UBT).
Interestingly, the 'shakha' was barely a stone's throw away from the Thackeray bungalow 'Matoshri', and has now evoked sharp reactions from the party leaders. Senior Sena (UBT) leader and MP Arvind Samant flayed the move saying the 'shakha' was over 40 years old and how it was suddenly declared illegal, and wondered if the BMC is dancing to the state government's tune.
"The (Shiv Sena-Bharatiya Janata Party) government has stooped to abysmal levels by such vindictive actions... The people are watching everything and there will be repercussions," said Samant. Another Sena (UBT) leader Haji A. Khan slammed the BMC for abruptly coming and razing the old 'shakha' without even serving a notice.