New Delhi: The central paramilitary forces have launched a massive search operation in Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand and West Bengal following intelligence inputs that Maoists in connivance with Bangladesh based Purbobongo Sarbahara Party (PSP) will be receiving a huge consignment of arms and ammunition from China.
A senior official in the intelligence department told ETV Bharat on Saturday that Maoists receiving arms and ammunition from China is a “serious development” from India’s security point of view given the present “unfriendly” relationship between India and China. The intelligence department got the inputs of such a major deal following the interrogation of arrested Maoist leader Arun Kumar Bhattacharjee alias Kanchan Da, a member of the Central Committee of CPI (Maoist).
Kanchan along with his associate Akash Orang alias Kajal, a member of Assam State Organizing Committee of CPI (Maoist), was arrested by the security agencies from Patimara Tea Garden under Udarband police station in Assam’s Cachar on March 6.
“Interrogation of the Maoists leader has revealed the ultras have come to an understanding with Bangladesh based PSP to procure arms and ammunition,” the official said. The Bangladesh-based Communist outfit PSP is a banned organization.