Chandigarh:Haryana police on September 5 carried out a special drive against outlaws called "Operation Akraman-2" throughout the state under various sections of the IPC. These raids were conducted by the Haryana police to put check on criminal activities under the Narcotic Drugs Psychotropic Substances (NDPS), Excise, and Arms Act.
The statewide raids by the Haryana police resulted in the filing of 710 cases as well as 964 criminals were taken into custody. At least 3,500 policemen, including senior police officials, divided into 645 teams fanned out in the field for carrying out a crackdown on the anti-socials. Some of the senior police officers said, "The raids were carried out in various parts of Haryana. Localities, houses, and lanes of various cities in Haryana were searched by policemen."
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Shedding light on these raids, Haryana DGP Prashant Kumar Agarwal said, "Purpose of the special drive launched by Haryana police on September 5 was to put a check on criminal activities, curbing of street crimes, confiscation of illegal weapons, arresting those involved in the peddling of drugs, besides initiating action under Excise law."
The raiding teams arrested 45 proclaimed offenders and 34 bail jumpers. These miscreants, who were on the run, were wanted in several cases lying pending against them in various police stations of Haryana. A maximum of 116 criminals were arrested from Panipat district, 108 were held in Gurugram, and 102 in Ambala. Similarly, 24 proclaimed offenders and bail jumpers were arrested in Sonipat whereas nine were arrested from Panipat, said a police officer.