New Delhi:The Lok Sabha continues at 2 pm amid ruckus by both the ruling BJP and the Opposition MPs. The Rajya Sabha, meanwhile, has been stalled, owing to a consensus meeting called by Chairman Jagdeep Dhankar at his chamber to resolve differences.
Earlier, both the Houses got adjourned moments after it convened on Tuesday over Rahul Gandhi's 'democracy in danger' speech in London. The Rajya Sabha adjourned till 2 pm as well with Chairman Jagdeep Dhankar schooling the Members of the House to maintain order and inviting the floor leaders to his Chamber. Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla has also called a meeting of leaders of all parties in his chamber.
The Parliament has been facing rampant adjournments over sloganeering by both the ruling and the Opposition members. The Opposition MPs stayed adamant on their demand for a parliamentary probe into stock manipulations by Adani. The ruling BJP continued their attack against Congress MP Rahul Gandhi asking him to apologise for his 'democracy in danger' speech.
Earlier, in the morning, Opposition MPs held a meeting with Congress president Mallikarjun Kharge to chalk out their strategy in the Parliament on their attack over the Adani issue. The MPs are likely to protest outside the SBI branch located on the Parliament premises after the Houses adjourn. Prime Minister Narendra Modi also held a meeting with top ministers of his government to discuss the Parliamentary strategy in the second part of the Budget session.
Earlier, on Tuesday Congress President Mallikarjun Kharge reiterated that Rahul Gandhi will not apologise for his 'democracy' remarks. He also mentioned that Congress will be asking for the same demand repeatedly. The stalemate in Parliament is just a means of diverting people from important issues that face the common man. Speaking about Mehul Choksi being removed from the Interpol Red List, Kharge alleged that the BJP government played a role in giving protection to Mehul Choksi while they are the ones speaking about “Deshbhakti”.
The Lok Sabha witnessed a blip in audio for over 20 minutes last week. The Congress party took the opportunity to make its point that democracy is being silenced in India by the ruling party. The internet was flooded with posts and memes shared by the Congress party sharing the video clip of the moment the audio was muted.