Dantewada (Chhattisgarh): A Maoist carrying bounty of Rs 8 lakh on his head was found dead under mysterious circumstances with a firearm of 12 bore next to him in a forest of Chhattisgarh’s Dantewada district on Tuesday, police said. The body of Deva alias Tirri Madkami was found in the Jiakorta forest near Bhusaras valley under Kuakonda police station, Inspector General of Police (Bastar range) Sundarraj P said. Madkami was wanted in nine Maoist-related incidents and carried a reward of Rs 8 lakh on his head, he added. A weapon, a bag and a water bottle were recovered near the body, he said. Madkami was a member of the Katekalyan Area Committee of (Maoist), which has been instrumental in executing several major attacks. However, the organisation has been witnessing infighting and recruitment crises for several months, the IG said.
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