Hyderabad: The Telangana police on Thursday claimed a leader of the banned CPI (Maoist) had allegedly sexually assaulted some women cadre. According to police, despite complaints of sexual harassment by some women working for the outlawed outfit to the CPI (Maoist) leadership against Azad, no action was initiated against him. Bhadradri Kothagudem District Superintendent of Police Sunil Dutt in a release said they received credible information that Azad recently "sexually assaulted" one woman member in forest areas bordering Chhattisgarh. Though she complained about the incident to the Maoist party leadership, no action was taken by them against Azad, he claimed.
Maoist leader sexually assualted women cadre, claims T'gana police
Bhadradri Kothagudem District Superintendent of Police Sunil Dutt in a release said they received credible information that Azad, the leader of banned CPI (Maoist), recently "sexually assaulted" one woman member in forest areas bordering Chhattisgarh. Though she complained about the incident to the Maoist party leadership, no action was taken by them against Azad, he claimed.
Maoist leader sexually assualted women cadre, claims T'gana police
He further alleged that in the past also Azad had sexually harassed other women working for the Maoist party. Tribal women were forcibly recruited by Maoist party leaders, he added.
Read:Maoist killed in Chhattisgarh, police rubbish fake encounter claims of his kin
Telangana latest news