Panaji (Goa):Utpal Parrikar, son of the late Goa Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar, who raised a banner of revolt against BJP, has decided to contest from the Panaji constituency as an independent candidate. After that, former Chief Minister Parsekar also toed the former's line, creating trouble for the party. Soon after the party announced its candidates, many leaders, who are aspiring party tickets, started deserting the party to carve out their own path and entering the fray as independent nominees.
Utpal Parrikar has decided to contest from Panaji as he did not ticket from the party. Speaking at a press conference on Friday, Utpal Parrikar had said that he would contest the elections. Later, he met former mayor Uday Madkaikar, who was denied a ticket by the Congress, on Saturday and sought his support. In turn, Madkaikar has extended his support to Parrikar. At the same time, Parsekar has decided to contest as an independent election.
The BJP had reportedly requested Parrikar to contest from the Bicholi constituency. The constituency was reserved for him till Friday. However, Utpal Parrikar was adamant about his decision to contest from Panaji. Meanwhile, the election in-charge, Devendra Fadnavis, has tried to persuade Parrikar. Fadnavis had called a special meeting on Saturday to bring reconciliation between Babush Monsrat and Utpal Parrikar. However, Utpal insisted on his decision and skipped the meeting. "When we asked Fadnavis about this, he refrained from talking about it."