Mumbai:Police in Mumbai have arrested a struggling actor for allegedly threatening Bollywood actress Katrina Kaif and her husband Vicky Kaushal. Manvinder Singh, 25, was arrested on Monday from Santa Cruz where he was living on rent. Manvinder had been stalking Katrina on social media and had even declared that he was married to her on his Instagram handle.
Manvinder Singh, out-of-work actor, arrested for giving death threats to Katrina Kaif, Vicky Kaushal
Manvinder had been stalking Katrina on social media and had even declared that he was married to her on his Instagram handle.
He would share edited photos and videos with Katrina on social media. He also has edited photos with other actors. For the past several months, Manvinder had been trolling Katrina on social media, and later threatened to kill her and Vicky. The couple complained to the police about it. Based on the complaint, the Santacruz police registered an FIR under Indian Penal Code Sections 506-II (criminal intimidation) and 354-D (stalking). The two actors got married in December 2021.