Agartala: A day after BJP leader Biplab Kumar Deb resigned from the post of the Tripura Chief Minister, state party chief Manik Saha will take oath as the next chief minister of the state on Sunday at Raj Bhawan in Agartala. The swearing-in ceremony of the Council of Ministers will take place at 11:30 am on May 15 at Raj Bhawan, Agartala. Dr Saha, who was chosen by the BJP as the new chief minister of Tripura, is a Rajya Sabha MP and chief of the party in the state which will go to the polls by March next year.
A professor of dental surgery, Dr Saha will be expected to steer the party to victory in the assembly polls amid a multi-cornered contest in the northeastern state where Trinamool Congress is also seeking to emerge as a key player. Dr Saha, 69, was named as the leader of the BJP legislature party hours after the resignation of Deb. He will take oath as the 11th Chief Minister of Tripura. The sudden political development came as a surprise to the people of the state.