Pathanamthitta: With the start of the Malayalam month of Vrishchikam, on Monday, the Mandala Makaravilakku pilgrim season begins at Sabarimala Ayyappa Temple in Pathanamthitta district of Kerala.
Priests Sudheer Namboothiri and Jayaraj Potti (Purappeda Shanthimar) opened the Temple Nada at 5 in the morning On Monday, the first of Vrishchikam. Ayyappa pilgrims who had registered and booked their slot in the virtual queue system have started climbing uphill for Ayyappa darshan.
Strict regulations have been put in place owing to the COVID situation and a special COVID protocol is being followed during the pilgrim season. Entry is allowed only to the pilgrims who have booked through the virtual queue system.
As many as 1000 pilgrims would be let in for darshan this season every day according to the protocol followed. The devotees will not be permitted to stay at the base Pamba or at Sannidhanam.