Kannur: A man who had sold three acres of his property and has spent over Rs 30 lakhs so far, filing RTI applications in more than 2000 government and non-government departments in states across the country, and holding over 400 press conferences in the last 12 years against adulteration of food items.
Liano Do John, a native of Kannur, started his fight against the adulteration of cinnamon, cassia, chili powder, and Ethiyon pesticide when his close friend died of liver cirrhosis, 12 years ago. John, through doctors, realized that an ayurvedic concoction made with a mixture of Cassia and cinnamon was the cause of the Cirrhosis that took his friend's life. His resolve to fight against food adulteration grew when his mother also succumbed to cancer.
Speaking to ETV Bharat, John said, "Such adulteration is creating many new cancer patients. There are 2.70 lakh cancer patients in Kerala at present and every year 50,000 new cases are reported. Kerala has the country's largest number of Kidney and Liver patients. The Lakeshore Hospital in Ernakulam has done several studies regarding herbal drugs causing liver diseases.
In 2016-17, they studied 1440 patients with serious liver diseases and found out that herbal drugs were the major cause of liver disease. No ayurvedic drug companies in Kerala have purchased the equipment to check the presence of pesticides or adulteration in the ingredients. Kerala ayurvedic industry has a turnover of Rs. 1000 crore per annum,".
He also said, "The Ayush ministry had given Rs 75 lakh towards the purchase of this equipment to all Ayurvedic drug manufacturers in Kerala, but none have brought the equipment so far. None of the drugs produced by these ayurvedic companies is tested before being sold to the public."
John's fight is mainly against the adulteration of cassia (Chinese cinnamon) and cinnamon. India and Sri Lanka are the major producers of cinnamon. He is also focussing his fight against the adulteration of chili powder, which comes mainly from Tamil Nadu, and also against the use of Ethion pesticide in food crops.
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