Betul: A man has been set on fire for his obscene acts in front of women in the Kajli village under the Bijadehi Police Station limits of Madhya Pradesh's Betul district on Saturday. Two people have been arrested in connection with the incident, while the man is undergoing treatment at Community Health Centre in Chicholi. According to sources, the accused often harassed women by standing naked in front of them. On Saturday, the accused was doing obscene acts in front of women, so the villagers took out his pants and then put petrol in his private parts and set it on fire.
Man set on fire for flashing private parts in Betul district of Madhya Pradesh
Villagers punished a middle-aged man for doing obscene acts in front of women. Two people have been arrested for setting the man ablaze for indulging indecent act in Betul district of Madhya Pradesh.
Also read:UP contractor set on fire by builder, dies
Superintendent of Police Simala Prasad said, "The victim used to pose naked in front of women. The villagers were very angry with his action and tried to convince him, but to no avail." The SP further said Sudesh Kavde and Krishna Uike have been arrested in connection with this incident on whom a case has been registered under Sections 294, 324, 506 and 34 of IPC. Right now, the condition of the victim is out of danger."