New Delhi : In a shocking incident, a man allegedly killed his wife and two sons, and then tried to commit suicide in the Vipin Garden area of Delhi's Dwarka district, police said on Sunday. Financial problems were said to be the reason behind the incident, but his in-laws have alleged that he had been demanding property and harassing his wife.
The police identified the accused as Rajesh, and said that he first brutally stabbed his wife, and then killed his two sons, aged five years and the second was four months old. He then slit his wrist in a bid to commit suicide. The deceased have been identified as Sunita (35), Ayansh (5) and four-month-old Amay. Rajesh was found wearing gloves. His family was sleeping when he attacked them. The family of Sunita has alleged that Rajesh was demanding property which could be the reason behind the murders.
"His family was sleeping when he carried out the attack. He stabbed his wife and two sons when they were sleeping," the police said. Deputy Commissioner of Police (DCP) of Dwarka, M. Harsha Vardhan said that they got a call about the incident at around 6 a.m. "We got a call that one Rajesh (35) killed his wife and two sons, a five years old and a four months old, and then slit his wrist. After receiving the call we immediately sent a team from Mohan Garden Police Station to the spot," Vardhan said.