Bengaluru:Following the arrest of the 31-year-old son of a prominent astrologer on Saturday in Bengaluru in connection with blackmailing of Cabinet minister ST Somashekar's son, the investigation has taken a new turn.
The accused, identified as Rahul Bhat, was arrested for blackmailing Nishanth Somasekhar over a private video, and demanding ransom from him, further threatening to release the video on the internet in case he was not given money.
Meanwhile, the investigation appears to have turned a new corner, as Congress MLA Yashwanth Raya Gowda's daughter's name has surfaced as a possible connection to Bhat.
The MLA, although, has denied any connections.
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"My daughter is worried about being abused, she did nothing wrong", Gowda said.
According to the Cyber Crime Branch police (CCB), who is investigating the case, Bhat had sent the video to the phone of Personal Secretary of Minister ST Somashekar in the last week of December 2021, saying he would release the clip if money was not given to him, not mentioning, however, any specific amount.
"In order to bring a bad reputation to my father, a stranger used my photo in a private video and called me on WhatsApp and demanded ransom. He threatened me to upload the video on social media if he is not paid," the minister's son said in his complaint lodged earlier.
The police after investigation arrested Rahul Bhat and took him into their custody for five days after producing him before the court.
Home Minister Araga Janendra, meanwhile, has noted that no accused in the case will be spared.