New Delhi: An Assistant Sub-Inspector (ASI) of Delhi Police was allegedly attacked on duty by a man with a knife in the Mayapuri area of the national capital on Wednesday. According to Delhi Police, ASI Shambhu Dayal was investigating a case of robbing a mobile phone based on a complaint by a woman. The woman, a resident of Mayapuri phase-I made a complaint at the Mayapuri police station that a person took the mobile phone of his husband and threatened them.
ASI Dayal along with the complainant arrived at Jhuggi of Rewari Line Phase I, where the complainant pointed out a person who had allegedly robbed the mobile phone. ASI Dayal took the said person who was later identified as Anish (24), a resident Mayapuri phase-II jhuggi with him and was going to the Mayapuri police station. Delhi Police said that when they reached Phase I, Mayapuri, Anish suddenly pulled out a knife hidden under his shirt and attacked Dayal on several parts of his body such as his neck, chest, stomach and back.