Mumbai:The Mumbai resident arrested for making threatening calls to Reliance Chairman Mukesh Ambani has been sent to police custody till August 20. The accused has been identified as Bishnu Vidu Bhowmik, 56, a resident of Borivali West and was reportedly moved to DB Marg Police station on Tuesday.
Man accused of making threat calls to Mukesh Ambani sent to police custody
At least nine calls were received from a number on Monday morning. The accused made the calls from his personal phone.
Man accused of making threat calls to Mukesh Ambani sent to police custody
According to the police, the accused runs a jewellery shop. Mumbai police officials said that at least nine calls were received from a number between 10:39 am and 12:04 pm on Monday. The accused made the calls from his personal phone on eight different numbers. An FIR has been registered under section 506 (II) of the Indian Penal Code.