Kolkata: West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on Wednesday congratulated the people after the ruling Trinamool Congress won 102 of the 108 municipalities in the state. The Left Front managed to get one municipality and the newly formed 'Humro Party' won the Darjeeling municipality but BJP failed to open its account.
Taking to Twitter, Banerjee said, "Heart-felt gratitude to Ma-Mati-Manush for yet another overwhelming mandate to us. Congratulations to the winning candidates of All India Trinamool Congress in the Municipal Elections. Let victory enhance our responsibility and dedication. Let triumph impart humility. Let us work together for peace, prosperity and development of the state. Jai Bangla!"
The Left Front secured its victory in Taherpur Municipality in the Nadia district. The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), which had emerged as the main Opposition party in West Bengal after winning 77 seats in the Assembly polls last year, failed to open its account.
The Congress too failed to win a single seat. Surprisingly, the newly-formed Humro Party won the Darjeeling Municipality. Four municipalities had a hung result.