New Delhi:The BJP alleged that Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee has constituted a three member Special Investigation Team (SIT), with her own trusted men, to cover up the probe of murder of Anish Khan on Friday. Earlier this week, the chief minister formed the SIT to probe the death of the 28-year-old student leader Anish Khan.
BJP West Bengal co-incharge Amit Malviya said his parents claimed that he was thrown to death by uniformed policemen. Malviya alleged that instead of providing justice to the family, the Bangerjee government is trying to cover it. "Anish Khan, 28 year old student, who was protesting for 130 days against the Mamata Banerjee Government is thrown to death by uniformed policemen, as claimed by his parents. Instead of providing justice to the family, Mamata Banerjee constitutes a SIT, packed with her men, to cover up," Malviya said.
Anis Khan, a former Aliah University student, was allegedly thrown off the terrace of his residence in the dark of night by the assailants, who visited his home identifying themselves as personnel from the Amta police station, as testified by his father who was held at a gunpoint when the assailants committed the murder. The father has called for a CBI probe into the incident.