New Delhi: West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee has returned to Kolkata after concluding her four-day visit to New Delhi on Friday. Terming her visit as 'successful' she said that she is likely to revisit the national capital in the next two months. Despite spending four days in Delhi, she could not meet NCP chief Sharad Pawar but she informed that they had a telephonic conversation earlier in the day.
Talking to reporters, Mamata informed that Pawar had to go to Mumbai urgently following which she could not meet him in Delhi but within the next two months she will return to Delhi. She also informed that she wanted to hold a meeting with the Opposition party leaders in the Central Hall of the Parliament but was not allowed owing to strict Covid-19 protocol.
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Describing her tour to the national capital as a success, Mamata said that everyone needs to work together for the progress of the country. Stressing on the need of uniting all the opposition parties, she said that the issue of hiking fuel rates, rising LPG prices and anti-farm laws protest needs to be raised and addressed promptly.