Kolkata: At this juncture when BJP is trying to highlight West Bengal's turmoil at the national level and put the Trinamool Congress on a sticky wicket, the state's ruling party showcased how democracy is being attacked here using the services of Enforcement Directorate (ED) and Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI). Trinamool Congress supremo Mamata Banerjee has appealed to the anti-BJP forces to unite against the Centre's atrocities via a letter to all opposition leaders and the chief ministers of the non-BJP states. Mamata Banerjee alleged that this is being done purely for political purposes.
The main purpose of using the central agency is to weaken the opposition. In this situation, the West Bengal Chief Minister thinks that there is no way but to unite. In the letter, the West Bengal Chief Minister wrote that the manner in which ED, CBI and central vigilance are being used to weaken the voices is in fact a blow to the country's democratic structure.