Kolkata (West Bengal): West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on Sunday appealed to the Central Government to declare Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose's birth anniversary as a national holiday. The Chief Minister highlighted that, if this appeal comes into effect, it will allow the entire nation to pay homage to the national leader and celebrate 'Desh Nayak Dibas' in the most befitting manner.
In a series of tweets, Banerjee said, "Homage to Deshnayak Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose on his 125th birth anniversary. A national and global icon, Netaji's rise from Bengal is unmatched in the annals of Indian history." "He is an epitome of patriotism, courage, leadership, unity and brotherhood. Netaji has been and will continue to be an inspiration for generations," she said.
"GoWB is celebrating his 125th Birth Anniversary as #DeshNayakDibas in a befitting manner all over the state following protocols," the Chief Minister added. "We again appeal to the Central Government that Netaji's birthday be declared a National Holiday to allow the entire Nation to pay homage to the National Leader and celebrate #DeshNayakDibas in most befitting manner," she tweeted.