Panaji (Goa): West Bengal Chief Minister and Trinamool Congress (TMC) chief Mamata Banerjee arrived in Goa on Sunday evening. Banerjee, who is on a three-day tour of the coastal state, arrived at the Goa airport. She will be in the state on December 13 and 14.
West Bengal Chief Minister will hold a meeting with leaders of the TMC's Goa unit. The TMC aggressively started campaigning for the upcoming polls after former Goa Chief Minister Luizinho Faleiro joined the party. Faleiro joined TMC in the presence of Abhishek Banerjee after resigning from the Congress party.
Goa is scheduled to go for the Assembly polls in early 2022. Goa Assembly has a strength of 40 members out of which BJP currently has 17 legislators and enjoys the support of legislators from Maharashtrawadi Gomantak Party (MGP), Vijay Sardesai of the Goa Forward Party (GFP) and three independents. GFP and MGP each have three MLAs.