Mumbai:Three different instances of fire were reported from different parts of Mumbai in the past three days. On Tuesday, a fire broke out at 7:33 am at a godown located in Bardon Gali, Sakinaka Kurla West, Khairani Road. The fire brigade reached the spot as soon as they were alerted.
Due to the quick response of the fire brigade team, the blaze was brought under control with no casualties. The fire was declared level 2 as the intensity increased while extinguishing the fire. It took eight fire engines and seven jumbo water tankers to douse it.
The second incident was reported from Dheeraj Valley Building No. 2 located near Gokul Dham on Mohan Gokhale Marg in Goregaon East. The seventh floor of this building caught fire on Monday, October 24 around 9:30 pm. The fire brigade team and the local police rushed to the spot and started rescue operations.