Shrirampur (Maharashtra): In a horrifying incident in the Kudale Vasti here, a man killed his wife and child on Sunday and shared the pictures of their dead bodies with their family members on WhatsApp. The culprit, identified as Balram Kudale, killed his 27-year-old wife with an axe and hung his 5-year-old child to death. A case has been registered against him under Section 302 and 498A of IPC at the Shrirampur Taluka Police Station on the complaint lodged by the family of the deceased.
As informed by the officials, the murderer, a truck driver by profession, had started harassing his wife to ask for money from her parents to buy a new truck. The wife's refusal led to frequent clashes between the two. Married in 2015, the couple even started living separately after the husband started physically abusing the woman and the child. The family of the wife had also lodged a complaint about domestic violence in the matter, though it was later settled after Balaram's family tried to pacify the situation.