Mumbai:After more than two years, all pandemic-related restrictions including the mandatory wearing of masks will be lifted in Maharashtra from April 2, the Maharashtra government announced on Thursday. The date coincides with Marathi New Year 'Gudhi Padwa'. Maharashtra BJP leader Ashish Shelar, meanwhile, claimed that the move occurred due to constant pressure from the BJP and the state's people.
The decision to lift all the restrictions was taken at a cabinet meeting chaired by Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray, Health Minister Rajesh Tope told reporters here.
From Gudhi Padwa, all COVID-19 related restrictions under the Epidemic Diseases Act and Disaster Management Act will be withdrawn, Tope said, adding that wearing masks would be voluntary. In a separate statement, chief minister Thackeray cautioned that though the restrictions are going to be lifted, it is advisable to maintain social distancing, wear mask and take anti-coronavirus vaccines.