New Delhi:Maharashtra Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray on Friday set fresh speculations of the Shiv Sena's coalition with the BJP when he referred to BJP leader and Union Minister of State for Railways Raosaheb Danve as his probable "future colleague".
“Present here is my former colleague, and if we come together again in the future (BJP-Sena), my future colleague,” Thackeray said looking at Danve. Both leaders were sharing a stage at an event organised in Aurangabad to commemorate the Marathwada region's accession to the Indian Union from the Nizam of Hyderabad.
Thackeray, however, later said he was only joking as he met his old friend Danve after a long time.
Talking to reporters, Danve, BJP MP from Jalna, said the two parties shared the same ideology and that the BJP was always willing to renew ties with the Sena.