Mumbai (Maharashtra): Maharashtra unit BJP has demanded a CBI probe against state Deputy Chief Minister Ajit Pawar and Transport Minister Anil Parab in connection with cases related to dismissed police officer Sachin Waze and former Mumbai police commissioner Param Bir Singh. BJP passed a resolution at a state party convention on Thursday, "demanding CBI inquiry against Pawar and Parab based on Waze's letter in the lines of inquiry initiated after ex-Mumbai Police Commissioner Param Bir Singh's letter."
In March, Singh was shifted from the post of Mumbai police commissioner to the Home Guards department amid the controversy over Waze's alleged involvement in the Antilia bomb scare. Later, in a letter to the state government, Singh made allegations of corruption and misuse of official position by the then state home minister Anil Deshmukh. Former Mumbai Police Commissioner Param Bir Singh wrote to Maharashtra Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray alleging that Home Minister Anil Deshmukh had indulged in "malpractices" and asked suspended API Sachin Waze to collect Rs 100 crore every month.