Mumbai: Amid the ongoing political drama in Maharashtra, firebrand BJP leader Kirit Somaiya has triggered a storm by terming Shiv Sena supremo Uddhav Thackeray as 'Mafia CM' of Maharashtra. In two Twitter posts in Marathi and English on Thursday, Somaiya, who along with his son Neil called on newly elected Chief Minister and rebel Sena Eknath Shinde who wrestled the top post from Thackeray, wrote, “Met 'Rikshawala' CM Eknath Shinde at Mantralaya today along Neil Somaiya and expressed best wishes & thanked him for replacing MAFIA CM (sic)."
The post infuriated the Sena leaders of the Thackeray faction who hit out at Somaiya and the Shinde group leaders. Shiv Sena leader Deepali Sayed slammed the rebel MLAs. “Shiv Sena MLAs, did you come to power by drinking the milk of a dead mother? Kirit Somaiya will speak against Uddhav Saheb and you will listen. Why is Shiv Sena soaked in your blood? First get Kirit out of your line, then name it Shiv Sainik,” Deepali said in a tweet.