Lucknow: Anand Giri, Aadhya Tiwari and Sandeep Tiwari, the three accused in Mahant Narendra Giri's alleged suicide case will be interrogated by the Central Bureau of Investigation in Naini Jail. The agency will try to unravel the mystery pertaining to an electronic gadget said to be containing obscene content, which has been used to allegedly blackmail the Akhil Bharatiya Akhara Parishad chief. On the instructions of the Yogi Adityanath government, the state home department had recommended a CBI inquiry to the central government to investigate the matter.
CBI on Sunday had filed an application in Prayagraj court seeking ten-day custody of the three accused.
Also read:CBI takes over probe into Mahant's alleged suicide
A team of CBI will interrogate the accused after obtaining the court's permission and also details of the properties of eight other close relatives of the Mahant including the three accused are being collected. Prayagraj's DIG Sarvashresth Tripathi, IPS, SP City Dinesh Singh, SIT in-charge CO Ajit Singh Chauhan, including a seven-member team led by CBI IG VK Choudhary, and 17 other members of the SIT are busy uncovering the secrets of Mahant's death in the investigation.