Mumbai: Unidentified persons hurled soda water bottles at Shiv Sena MP Vinayak Raut's bungalow at Malvan in Maharashtra's Sindhudurg district, police said on Wednesday. The incident took place around 8 pm on Tuesday in the coastal Rautwadi area of Talgaon in Malvan, located around 500 km from the state capital Mumbai, they said.
Notably, Raut on Tuesday wrote a letter to Prime Minister Narendra Modi, demanding sacking of Union minister Narayan Rane over his remarks against Maharashtra Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray. Rane had sparked off a row over his remarks during his 'Jan Ashirwad Yatra' on Monday about slapping Chief Minister Thackeray for what he claimed as the latter's ignorance of the year of India's independence.
According to a police official, four unidentified persons came and hurled soda water bottles at Raut's bungalow and then fled from the spot. Following a complaint by the bungalow's care-taker, the Malvan police registered an FIR against unidentified persons under Indian Penal Code Sections 336 (act endangering life or personal safety of others), 34 (acts done by several persons in furtherance of common intention), 37 (1) (intentionally co-operating in the commission of offence) and 135 (abetment of desertion), he said, adding that search was on for the culprits.