Thane (Maharashtra): Suspended BJP spokesperson Nupur Sharma, who was summoned by the Bhiwandi police in Maharashtra on Monday over her alleged objectionable remarks against Prophet Mohammad, has sought time to appear before the police to record her statement, a senior official said. Sharma has been granted time and will not appear before the Bhiwandi police on Monday, he said.
The official did not specify how much time Sharma has been granted. The Bhiwandi police in Thane district had registered a case against Sharma over her remarks about the Prophet during a TV debate, following a complaint lodged by a representative of the Raza Academy on May 30, he said. They had also registered a case against expelled BJP functionary Naveen Kumar Jindal over his alleged controversial tweets against Prophet Mohammad and asked him to record his statement on June 15, an official earlier said.
The Bhiwandi police on Sunday detained a 19-year-old Muslim man for allegedly posting a derogatory remark on Prophet Mohammad and showing support to Nupur Sharma over her controversial comments, a senior official earlier said. The accused was taken into custody by the police after tense situation prevailed in the town over his viral social media post, which angered members of the Muslim community, he said.