Hyderabad: Telangana Finance & Health Minister Harish Rao has said that farmers from Maharashtra are buying land in Telangana due to the 24/7 electricity in the state. The minister said he came to know about the development during his recent visit to a village in Adilabad district located along the Telangana- Mahrashtra border where he had gone to lay the foundation for some development works.
Maha farmers buying land in Telangana due to 24/7 power supply: Telangana Minister
“I asked MLA Vittal Reddy what was happening there. He said some Maharashtra farmers had bought land in Telangana and they were channelizing water from bore wells in the newly bought lands in Telangana to their lands in Maharashtra. They had bought the lands just for irrigation water as there is only 8 hours power supply in Maharashtra,” Rao said.
Rao said that while on way to a hospital in the area, he saw pipelines spread across the road along the Telangana-Maharashtra border. “I asked MLA Vittal Reddy what was happening there. He said some Maharashtra farmers had bought land in Telangana and they were channelizing water from bore wells in the newly bought lands in Telangana to their lands in Maharashtra. They had bought the lands just for irrigation water as there is only 8 hours power supply in Maharashtra,” Rao said.
Also read: Farmers hit hard by double farming crisis in Maharashtra