Mumbai:A constable with the Gadchiroli police's C-60 commando unit was seriously injured in an encounter with Naxals in the insurgency-hit Maharashtra district on Tuesday, a senior official said. The skirmish took place near Dodraj forest in Bhamragadh taluka of Gadchiroli, located over 900 km from the state capital Mumbai, when a team of C-60 commandos, a specialized combat unit of the Gadchiroli police, was patrolling in the area, he said.
The ultras, who had gathered in the forest, opened fire at the police patrolling team, following which the security personnel retaliated. After the exchange of fire for some time, Naxals fled into the forest, the official said. A police constable with the C-60 unit was seriously injured in the face-off and was airlifted to a hospital in Nagpur, he said.
A senior official at the Nagpur-based hospital said the policeman had suffered a bullet injury in the right thigh and underwent surgery at the medical facility. A search was on in the Bhamragadh forest, police said.