Mumbai: Maharashtra Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray has written a letter to Prime Minister Narendra Modi, proposing to move the multi-billion dollar refinery project planned in Ratnagiri to another site in the coastal district, a senior official in the CM's office said on Wednesday. The project was earlier proposed to be built at Nanar in Ratnagiri district but has got stalled due to opposition from local organisations and the ruling Shiv Sena in the state.
"The CM wrote a letter to the prime minister in January regarding shifting of the refinery project to another site," the official said. The nearly USD 60 billion projects is to be jointly constructed by Saudi Aramco and the UAE's Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC). A nuclear power plant of over 9,000 MW is also scheduled to come up at Jaitapur in Ratnagiri.
On Tuesday, during his visit to Ratnagiri, state Environment Minister Aaditya Thackeray had said the refinery project planned in the Konkan region will come up only after locals are consulted and their consent is obtained. Speaking to people in Ratnagiri, he had also said the project will not be built at Nanar, its original proposed site.