Thane:Maharashtra Chief Minister Eknath Shinde was on Wednesday visibly moved when he paid a visit to Kisan Nagar in Thane district, from where he started his political and social life, and also visited various Ganesh mandals in the city. Earlier in the day, Shinde, welcomed Lord Ganesh at 'Varsha', his official residence in south Mumbai, as the 10-day festival dedicated to the elephant-headed God began.
Later, he visited various Ganesh mandals and interacted with organisers and common citizens of Kisan Nagar in Thane district, his political turf. Talking to the media during the visit, an emotional Shinde said it was a great feeling to visit a place from where he started his political career decades ago. "I am really happy that from this very place I started my career and climbed up the ladder to become the Chief Minister. I am delighted to mingle and interact with the people of the locality," he said.